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Schedules of Condition

Bemerton Consulting Limited

Our extensive experience of dealing with dilapidations means that we fully understand the detail required in a solid Schedule of Condition, as well as the dangers involved in proceeding with those that are poorly drafted.

Schedules of condition are often produced before entering into a lease on behalf of an occupier. We have expertise in producing schedules of condition as a detailed factual recording of the condition of your property. Not only will a schedule of condition protect against repair obligations, but with a suitable worded lease, the schedule will also mitigate any overlay onerous reinstatement and redecoration obligations. We are able to advise on where and how the Schedule of Condition is appended to the lease and fully engrossed, making specific reference to the schedule in order for it to provide legitimate protection.

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Bemerton Consulting Limited

Building Refurbishment

Fire Surveys

Building Surveys